Off the back of a busy Christmas, I was fortunate to visit India, receive the warmth of sunshine and people, and visit our partner Animedh Charitable Trust. The operation has grown since I last saw it and it was hugely rewarding to see the fantastic work of the artisans in person.
Last year, Pri Pri’s orders enabled over 2500 hours of employment for these women. It was amazing to hear how this income has had a real impact for many, enabling opportunities such as university education for children and improvements to the home.
Over half of the women who work at ACT have had no formal education over the age of 15, so being able to gain a skill such as tailoring in adult life has a real boost on self confidence. The centre is also a hub of chatter and community, with birthdays celebrated in style!

I was delighted to learn about the additional training beyond just tailoring that the artisans are offered. Workshops on finances, mental health and women’s rights are some of the examples of what these women can learn about. Employees also can have access to benefits such as health insurance and college scholarships for dependents.
The in person visit also enabled me to see how my designs get turned into reality, and meet the artisans who shared how they enjoy the creativity of making some of the Pri Pri products.
Thanks to all the customers who enable this partnership to continue and to make an impact on so many underprivileged women.